4 Hidden Dangers of Contaminated Insulation

Insulation becomes contaminated when wildlife, such as rats, mice, and squirrels access your home. When this happens, insulation becomes an ideal nesting place for wildlife. Contaminated insulation due to wildlife is dangerous because it poses a health risk to individuals. Keep reading as we explore the hidden dangers of contaminated insulation.

1. Mold Growth 

Contaminated insulation leads to an increased risk of mold growth. When moisture gets trapped in insulation, it creates a damp environment that allows mold spores to germinate and multiply. Prolonged mold in the home can cause health problems, such as respiratory issues, and lead to skin irritation. 

2. Allergies and Asthma

Contaminated insulation can worsen asthma and allergy symptoms. This is because airborne particles can be inhaled, triggering respiratory irritation and allergy reactions. 

3. Contamination of Air Supply

Contaminated insulation also leads to the contamination of air supply.  While it may not be easy to know whether your air supply is contaminated, there are a few telltale signs. For instance, irritation including itchy eyes, nose, and throat are a sign the air is contaminated. 

Some individuals may experience coughing due to irritation in the respiratory tract, dizziness, or shortness of breath. It's also possible to smell an unpleasant odor. It can smell like a stale odor, gas, fumes, burning plastic, or sewage smells.

4. Spread of Contamination Throughout the Home

Contamination from pests can spread throughout the home. These pests carry bacteria, parasites, and allergens throughout the insulation material, allowing the contamination to spread. This not only leads to poor indoor air quality but can affect the health of the occupants.

Protect Your Home With Pest Control

Protecting your insulation is key to protecting your home and your health. If you want to safeguard your home, Critter Guard is here to help. Our pest control products are designed to help prevent pests from entering your home and insulation in the first place. To learn more about our wildlife control solutions, contact us today.