Critter Guard’s products are designed to serve as a solution for blocking access and preventing critters from gaining access to overhead power lines. Originally, our products were designed with squirrels in mind. However, our products evolved overtime to be used for numerous types of critters both locally in the United States and internationally. The following are just a few of the major animal types for which Critter Guard products have been successfully used.
The Critter Guard products were originally designed for squirrel mitigation. However, since that time Critter Guard products have been adapted and used to prevent multiple critters from accessing critical equipment and homeowners’ roofs. The following are just a few animals deterred successfully with Critter Guard products:
While weather is the number one cause of power outages in the United States, squirrels are a close second. In fact, in some geographical areas, squirrel outages actually exceed weather related outages. Our products were designed to block squirrels from accessing critical power and telecommunication infrastructure in a humane and cost-effective manner. Additionally, squirrels are one of the most common animals that cause significant damage to residential home’s siding, attics, and electrical due to overhead line access to the roof.
Explore Squirrel GuardsCheck out what some of our customers are saying about Critter Guard as a solution to squirrel related problems:
“We have used Critter Guard's Line Guard product for better than six years on Illinois and Missouri overhead power lines near substations. The Line Guard helps us prevent squirrels from gaining access to our substations on overhead lines. We have also used the Pole Guard on wooden poles near substations to establish a barrier to squirrels that approach overhead conductors from the ground. Our objective is to maintain high service reliability by eliminating outages and contain costs by reducing equipment damage caused by squirrels..”
- Ameren
"We are 110% pleased with our Line Guard. After finding out our homeowners’ insurance would not cover squirrel damage, I was determined to find a way to keep these squirrels off my above ground service lines. That is when I found out about CRITTER GUARD, contacted my power company, Entergy, and had them install a Line Guard to keep the squirrels off my roof. I personally witnessed two different times when a squirrel tried to get over the barrier. Needless to say, both were unsuccessful, and it proved quite entertaining as well. I would strongly recommend this product to any homeowner with this troublesome problem."
- Kathy Henson, Homeowner, Little Rock, AR
Check out the videos below showcasing our Line Guard and Pole Guard products blocking squirrels' access to critical utility power equipment and homeowners' roofs. Please note that the majority of our videos feature customer-submitted footage which is used with permission.
Upon discovering twelve squirrels in his attic, Michael Bell set out to find a permanent solution to his squirrel problem. Noticing that the squirrels used the three power poles with power lines leading to his apartment to access his roof, Mr. Bell installed Pole Guard on each of the utility poles. To read the full case study and learn how our Pole Guard product was successful in preventing squirrels from gaining attic access, check out our Michael Bell Case Study.
Snakes are particularly active in flood zones, or other wet areas. They can easily climb power and other utility poles and scurry across power lines often looking for bird eggs, young rodents, etc. While not typically chewers, these snakes can inadvertently cause damage to various power line components simply by bridging live components with their long body. Our novel Line Guard system of independently spinning rollers keeps snakes off balance. As a result, the snakes will either fall off or turn around effectively denying access to critical equipment.
During a recent rain and flooding period in North Carolina, Duke Energy personnel noticed many more occurrences of snakes climbing power poles, presumably to look for bird eggs on poles. However, those poles that already had Pole Guard installed, had no snake activity.
Roof rats, sewer rats, and other types of rodents are easily repelled by our Line Guard and Pole Guard products. It is undeniable that rats are expert climbers. However, the hard shell and rotating nature of our products prevent the rats from securely grabbing ahold, and they slide off which discourages the rodent from returning.
Explore Rat GuardsCheck out one of our customer’s experiences with Critter Guard's rat guards:
"I am writing to let you know that your Critter Guard product works not only with squirrels but also with rats. As I explained on the telephone my home had a big problem with rats entering the house via the power line drop. I installed your guard one week ago, on the first night I observed 2 rats coming down the line, when they came within a foot of the guard they stopped, looked at it and retreated up the line and we have been rat free ever since. So please feel free to use my name on any of your future promotions as I am a satisfied customer."
- W.T. FOLEY, Homeowner, Miami, Florida
Please note that the following video is captured and submitted by one of our homeowner customers. They successfully stopped rats from accessing their roof and attic by using the Line Guard to block access via overhead powerlines.
While the frequency of power outages caused by either opossums (also known as possums) and raccoons is much lower than squirrels, these animals are great climbers and cause serious damage. In the opossums’ case, their tail often acts like a 5th appendage giving superior climbing ability. Raccoons are also noted for their insatiable curiosity and natural tendency to explore where they should not. But have no fear, Critter Guard will keep even these larger animals away.
Expore Our Possum GuardA South American power utility services transmission lines through a nearby nature preserve. All forms of wildlife are protected by law in these areas. As a result, the utility had to be especially cautious about possible animal related outages in these remote areas because any accidental death of an animal in this preserve creates bad publicity. They chose Pole Guard and Line Guard to protect the animals from accidentally reaching any energized equipment.
These curious critters can do serious damage to critical electrical distribution equipment in mining operations, petroleum and chemical fields, national parks, and conservatories, where these operations are in monkeys’ natural habitat. Critter Guard products can be used in select cases with smaller monkey breeds such as Vervet, Spider, Gibbons, Howler, and Squirrel monkeys to assist with mitigating monkeys’ access to critical infrastructure equipment.
A major minerals company with miles of overhead power lines in uninhabited territory was concerned about downtime caused by spider monkeys climbing the poles. Any outage on the overhead line would affect power delivered to the underground work crews which not only impacts productivity but is also a major safety concern. Installing Pole Guard effectively stopped this problem at a fraction of the cost of redundant lines.
Critter Guard products can be used to deter birds from perching on or near critical power line components. We encourage our utility customers to think of birds in two different overarching categories:
Both types of birds can cause damage to varying degrees. The Line Guard product can be used to deter birds from perching on the lines. When a bird attempts to land on a line, the weight of the bird causes the roller to spin dynamically. This makes birds unable to land and encourages them to look elsewhere.
Additionally, Critter Guard also offers BirdBloc which is a complementary, proprietary scent-based, bird deterrent solution. BirdBloc, while completely safe to humans, emits a scent which repels all types of avian species. The BirdBloc can be hung or placed in areas where birds commonly roost or nest. The scent lasts for several weeks which discourages the birds from choosing that particular area as a nest or roosting spot.
Check out what some of our customers are saying about Critter Guard as a solution to squirrel related problems:
“Generations of pigeons were roosting and raising their young in several of our substations. Their presence, along with their droppings, made routine maintenance a health hazard. These birds needed to be relocated and without harm. We discovered BirdBloc and deployed it according to instructions. All birds willingly left the area within three days. We are very encouraged by the product’s results.”
- - Drew Zmolek, Exelon, Director of Emerging Technology and Innovation
“Thank you so much for all your help with this and could not be happier with the product.”
- Kevin Meininger, Grounds Maintenance Manager, Myrtle Beach Airport, SC
In Grand Forks, North Dakota, the Grand Forks Country Club and nearby area is the summer home for several migrating bird species. In order to help alleviate the various nuisance issues golfers and maintenance personnel would deal with due to the volume and frequency of birds coming and going, BirdBloc was installed on the 8th green and the 14th fairway. To read the full case study and discover how BirdBloc was successful in deterring the birds in the area, visit our Grand Forks Case Study.
With their specially adapted claws and natural affinity for climbing and hanging from tree limbs, sloths can easily find themselves on overhead electrical power lines. This can not only damage important electrical equipment and cause power outages, but it can also put sloths at serious risk of electrocution. Fortunately, Critter Guard’s Line Guard and Pole Guard products have proven to be effective tools in preventing sloth-related power disruptions and protecting sloths from unshielded overhead power lines.
ESPH (Electrical Power Public Services for Heredia), a Costa Rican utility company, needed to find friendly wildlife control technology for its implementation in Heredia. To protect sloths in the area, as well as prevent lengthy outages, ESPH applied Critter Guard’s Line Guard on a test overhead line. To read the full case study and discover how our Line Guard product was successful in repelling the sloth, check out our ESPH Case Study.
While originally designed as a product to deter and block squirrel access, Critter Guard has quickly become a trusted product line for blocking various animals from accessing critical power distribution components and even preventing animal-related damage via roof access to homes and businesses. In fact, many pest control companies recommend and use our products as solutions for their customers. This speaks to the fact that our patented line and pole protection systems are both flexible and effective at preventing access to various critters when it counts the most.
Do you have monkeys, sloths, or other unique animals bothering your critical equipment? Are you wondering if our products can solve your specific animal access issue? We would love to hear from you! We are not always a one-size-fits-all solution, so we would love to discuss your particular need to make sure we can solve your problem. Feel free to contact us and let us know about your specific animal challenge.
Looking for a very unique, custom solution for your animal access problem? We would love to hear from you, as we continue to develop and modify our products to best serve our customers both now and into the future.
Reach out to us online to see if we can help you with your unique problem or, at very least, point you in the right direction.
Content Written by John Sims
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