It can be a little nerve-racking when you hear something moving around or skittering across your roof. In most cases, it's a critter of some kind that's found its way up there. One potential critter that could be causing all that fuss and possible damage to your home is a roof rat.
The roof rat is your typical long-tailed rat that's also often called a black rat or ship rat. They typically have soft, smooth brown fur with white spots, and they're omnivores. These rodents often find sanctuary in high places, where they'll gnaw the roofing material and invade food stores. These rats can also be a vector for disease.
Roof rats have a couple of ways of scampering onto your roof. If your home sits close to a power line, they can climb up utility poles and scurry across power lines, easily gaining access to your roof. Roof rats can also drop onto your roof from nearby tree branches.
With their ability to cause a lot of high dollar damage, you’ll want to stop these pests from getting onto your roof. A few ways to prevent them from gaining access to your roof include:
At Critter Guard, we understand how unsettling it is to have rats on your roof, knowing the prospect of damage to your home is significant. For more information about our products and how they can keep your roof protected, contact us today!